Wednesday, February 6, 2008

What is a hero?

As I contemplate the theme of my site I am reminded of the words of Joseph Campbell. The sound of his words still echo in me. "Follow your bliss" he said. The simplicity of those words and that philosophy still captivate me. The road map for any hero on a quest was simple...the hero was always following his or her "bliss". I laugh now at how elusive that road map is to find in our everyday lives.

We are often looking at the world without a map to follow. Instead we usually focus on landmarks and familiar sites to help guide us on our journey. For many people leaders, mentors, teachers, parents, politicians, or even celebraties serve as their guides. For me, a hero is the most reliable guide to follow.

But what then is a hero? What makes a hero so enduring and transformational?

I look at my world. I look at my community and I see heroes every day. I believe we are all capable of being a hero. A hero is, as Joseph Campbell puts it, someone who "follows (his or her) bliss". Despite all the obstacles...the hero continues to follow the path that leads them to their "bliss".

I have always yearned to understand heroes...John Wayne to John Kennedy...Thomas Jefferson to Martin Luther King...Mother Theresa to my mom...Moses to Jesus to Buddha to Muhammed. I seek stories of heroes as a way to find my way on my journey. They serve as my landmarks. I may not know my own bliss as clearly as I should but if I can understand other heroes and their quests perhaps I will stumble toward my ultimate destination.

I may not be a hero but I'll know one when I see one...I'll let you know what I find on my journey.