Thursday, May 8, 2008

Another View...How to keep your sanity in an insane market.

Editors Note: I am always looking to share other people's views and insights as well as my own. As many of you know, the people who work in the Real Estate market are trying to make sense of what they are going through. This week I am posting the thoughts of a special guest writer. Nicole Abele is a Sales Manager with Lakewood Homes. She shares her insight on how she is coping with this dysfunctional housing market without becoming dysfunctional. RB

2002-Control it
2003-Work for it
2004-I think I am working for it (But it seems too easy)
2005-Now I think I have it
2006-Got it
2007-Trying to hold on to it
2008-Lost it

I just realized today I am the youngest person still employed by my company. Funny, I am 28 (what is considered a seasoned age at some companies) and it drives me nuts when people play the age game with me. My dad always said that you will graduate college thinking you know everything and will enter your thirties knowing you know nothing. I know nothing!

“Growing up” professionally in this industry has been such an experience. I went from being a nursing student to being part of prosperous company that sold 1,800 homes in a year. It was all about timing. I was a successful sales person mostly because I was here at the right time. For most of us (from 2002-2006) in the new home industry all we had to do is show up and know how to work fast. By doing that, we were successful.

Reality, however, kicked us in the ass in June 2006. I was just promoted to a sales manager. Lucky for me, just in time to maintain my old salary as the market took a hard hit. Unlucky for me, I had no idea what was to lie ahead.

I went from literally taking orders to “what the hell is wrong with me? I have not sold anything for a month.” All the skills I had (working quick, being efficient and creating urgency) were rendered obsolete by our housing recession. I resisted at first, thinking that this was a fluke and that if I kept doing what I did so well in the past everything would fall back into place. WRONG!

Then something happened. I sat last Saturday and listened to a client say that she was buying here because of my partner. She said and I quote “I loved his personality and his selling style. That is why I am here”. Shit, I almost fell out of my chair! “It works” I thought. Being there, being present and willing to try new things got us a sale! If I would have heard this in 2006 I would have thought “Oh how sweet”. But for all of us out there selling now…know that this kind of occurrence could just be our tipping point.

I have to say my mindset has completely changed. I always was looking at what can this market do for me. Now I am thinking… “what opportunities do I have in this market?” People, more than ever, are looking for guidance during this “housing crisis”. People still want to move, they want a new home and a safe community to raise their family. What they are lacking is the security to do so. They listen to all the negative talk on the news about the declining market. Yet, they still get in their cars and drive to our communities in hope of finding answers. What we need to do is have the right mindset and be there to give them the answers they need. Hell, we are all scared right now and our lives reflect that. This market has affected our paychecks, lifestyles and attitude. Yet we are still here and so is our opportunity. Helping people get into the home they want and can afford is still a strong desire for most people in our line of work. For us, sales people that love their jobs, we can still do this.

Making 150 to 200K a year is long gone…for now. Making 70K is a challenge but still realistic. You can choose to bail out right now…this an option. If you do not love what you do then you should probably go. If you love what you do…then stay. Try crazy things, do what you never thought you would do and for god-sake have some fun! Try it, it just might work. What you do right now may not bring immediate results (sales), but it will position you and your company for a great future.

An aside…

This past month has inspired me. Like golf, you can play so poorly for so long and think you suck. However, all you need is that one good hit (the right swing, mindset and contact with the ball) to keep you in the game. Despite layoffs, confusion and uncertainty I find myself drawn back. I feel something is happening. I do not know what it is, but I know that it is good. Take me off your list of people to worry about. One thing about me…I am always ok. I may float between extremes but it is the only way I find common ground. I like that about me (because it works for me)!

Here are some inspirational quotes and words of wisdom that Nicole likes to remember:

Terra firma ain’t so firma.

All structures are unstable.

Wisdom is knowing that I am nothing…Love is knowing that I am everything…and in between my life moves.

This too shall pass.

Whatever you resist…persists.

Chin up, shoulders back, strut a little. Don’t lick your wounds. Celebrate your scars. You are in a lion’s war. Just because you did not win doesn’t mean you don’t know how to roar. (Ok, it is from Grey’s Anatomy but I liked it. LOSER)

When you do not know what to do…do nothing.
The answer will come at the time when you have to make a decision. (That’s from Grandma got to love her)

Final Note: In the future I will be trying to strong-arm more of my friends, family, and colleagues into sharing their views. If you have some thoughts to share on leadership, life, motivation, self-improvement, sales, real estate, politics or any other worthwhile topic please let me know!

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