Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Truth about Housing Cycles

Here is an easy to understand and informative explanation of the current housing market. I thought you might appreciate a calm and coherent antidote to all the hysteria and panic.

This cycle reminds me of a long family vacation...screaming from the back of the station wagon..."Are we there yet?" My Dad, sounding a little like John Wayne, would simply say..."No and if you ask me might not make it there at all!"

Sit back and enjoy the movie...we'll be there soon!


Anonymous said...

This video makes me feel more secure when it comes to the housing market and other areas in our lives. We can learn from our mistakes in the past. Hopefully this market will follow the same patterns that have happened in the past.

What do you think will happen with the rising oil prices? Do you think they will ever go down? Do we absolutely need to find other natural resources? What will make these countries bring their oil prices down?

I do think this country needs to start thinking of going a lot more 'green' in case there is no other option.
-Magnum Peters

Heritage Harbor Ottawa said...

Our government has a roll to play with the markets. While I believe in free markets I also believe in fair markets. The government has to preserve fairness and legality for the mortgage and building industry. The Fed needs to be more proactive in protecting the "markets" from temporary inequities that can create speculative bubbles. Subprime mortgages, blending equities...etc.

Commodity prices have a direct inflationary pressure...particularly eregy commodites. Since supply is so finite...demand must level off before prices will come down.

Green technology may not be the "Holy Grail" but it may be the most constructive means of breaking our oil addiction.